Oil giant Chevron faces losing a historic lawsuit on its dumping of toxic waste in the Amazon -- let's help the people of the rainforest win in the court of public opinion and before the law, by pressing Chevron's new CEO to clean up this mess and stop Chevron's dirty lobbying-

From 1964 to 1990, Chevron-owned Texaco deliberately dumped billions of gallons of toxic waste from their oil fields in Ecuador's Amazon -- then pulled out without properly cleaning up the pollution they caused. Facing imminent defeat in the courts, Chevron has turned to legal machinations, powerful public relations firms and lobbyists to intimidate its critics into silence and avoid responsibility for the massive environmental and human disaster it has triggered.
The final judgment is imminent after a long legal battle between oil giant Chevron and brave indigenous peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon, who are seeking redress for the multinational's dumping of billions of gallons of toxic waste in the rainforest.

Chevron has repeatedly vowed to refuse to pay for a clean up even if ordered to by the court, saying "We will fight this until hell freezes over. And then we'll fight it out on the ice." Its latest strategy: pushing the US government to bully Ecuador into burying the case.


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