French logging company Rougher is deforesting a huge area of rainforest in southeast Cameroon. The company is felling trees in an estimated 600,000 hectare area, which is more than is permitted under Cameroonian law. These forests include the ancestral land of local Baka “Pygmies” who have lived there and managed the land for generations, Survival International reported. The traditional forests provide their livelihoods, such as wild fruits, fibre, medicinal plants and hunting areas. According to Survival, Rouger failed to obtain the consent by the Baka “Pygmies” to their logging operations. 


Rougier has also been denounced by Friends of the Earth for its activities in Cameroon, which have included illegal price-fixing, illegal logging outside a concession, felling more trees than authorized, and illegally exporting rare timber.
According to a recent report produced by the EU, not a single logging company is operating legally in Cameroon. Experts say that no logging activities are being carried out at sustainable levels.
Under Cameroonian law, the Baka are often criminalized as “poachers” when they hunt to feed their families. In a map produced by Rougier, all Baka forest camps within one concession are labelled as “poachers’ camps.”

Survival recently wrote to the CEO of Rougier asking whether he believed his company had acquired the Baka’s consent for the logging. In response Rougier simply said that: “Baka communities are aware of our existence and operation.” Survival denounced also the partnership of WWF with Rougher, that violated WWF policies on indigenous peoples. WWF committed to avoid any partnership with companies operating on indigenous land without the consent of the indigenous people. 


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